Ajzāʼ al-QurʼānFragmentary African Qurʼān
An incomplete African Qurʼān mixed up with fragments of other religious worksAn incomplete African Qurʼān mixed up with fragments of other religious works
Prayers8 folios inscribed in the Arabic character in an African hand with what appear to be prayers in some African language.
An African prayer-book1 copy of An African prayer-book
Ḥuṣn al-muḥāḍarah fī akhbār Miṣr wa-al-Qāhirah1 copy of Ḥuṣn al-muḥāḍarah fī akhbār Miṣr wa-al-Qāhirah by Suyūṭī, 1445-1505. History of Cairo.
Risālah fī bayān faḍl Nīl Miṣr1 copy of Risālah fī bayān faḍl Nīl Miṣr by Ibn al-ʻImād al-Aqfahsī, Aḥmad, ca. 1349-1405. Nile River - Arab Geography
al-Ṭirāz al-manqūsh fī maḥāsin al-ḥabūshcopy of al-Ṭirāz al-manqūsh fī maḥāsin al-ḥabūsh by Bukhārī, Muḥammad ibn ʻAbd al-Bāqī, fl. 1583
Lacunose manuscript containing traditions of the ProphetLacunose manuscript containing traditions of the Prophet
African manuscripts with texts on the names of God and their virtues, magical squares and alchemy1 copy of African manuscripts with texts on the names of God and their virtues, magical squares and alchemy
African prayer-bookAfrican prayer-book. Ther first portion begins with an account of the rijal al-ghayb.
Futūḥ IfrīqīyahAn anonymous history of the conquest of Africa by the Muslims
Prayers and talismansA leather case, fastened by a strap, containing two sheets of paper inscribed with Arabic prayers, verses of the Koran, and two talismanic figures, one containing the "Most Comely Names of God", written in a Maghribī hand, and apparently from West Africa.
Dalāʼil al-khayrātSummary of Contents: A copy of the the Dalāʼil al-khayrāt from Hārer (Ethiopia) A collection of prayers for the prophet Muhammad, including a description of his tomb. It is the most popular work of Muslim devotion in Africa, used both for private prayer and meditation and for recitation at public festivals and ceremonies.
Ethiopian HistoryHistory of Ethiopia
Chronology of the Kings of EthiopiaContents: f. 1 a Drawing completely erased by overpainting. f. 1 b Painting: "Behold, a virgin shall conceive." f. 2a Painting of an angel {without legend). f. 2b Painting: "How they imposed the cross upon our Lord." f. 3 a Beginning: The names and years of the reign of the kings of Ethiopia, from the "restoration" of the so-called Solomonic dynasty by Y ;)kuno Amlak in 1268 till the reign of King Menelik II at the end of the 19th cent. From the rubrication of Menelik' s name it would appear that he was the reigning monarch when this MS. was written. Also, no date for the end of Menelik' s reign is mentioned. f. 8 b Colophon effectively erased. £ 9 a Crude design. f. 9b "Yohannes Gabra-Maryam of Gondar wrote this MS."
History of King TheodoreContents: History of King Theodore in the version of Alak' a Walda Maryam-identical with the text published by C. Mondon Vidailhet, Paris, 1904. The book begins with the year 1852/3 and ends with the events leading to the death of King Theodore in 1868. The last line explains that the book was written in 1897 (Ethiopian era) = 1904/ 5 (European era) which somewhat conflicts with a note by C. H. Armbruster (attached to the back of the volume), dated 1911, according to which the MS. was acquired in Ethiopia by H. Weld-Blundell "some twelve years ago" - might not be a good fit.
Joseph ben Gorion's History of the JewsContents: The History of the Jews, ascribed to Joseph hen Gorion. On f. 174b is a long colophon, saying that the book was written in the eighth year of the reign of Sus~nyos (1607-32). The MS. was written for Hafa Kr~stos
Miracles of Abba Garima (fragment).Miracles of Abba Garima. Ff i, ii contain a note in German about Abba Garima and his church near Adwa, signed Schimper ( a botanist from Mannheimcf. Budge, History of Ethiopia, II, 491), dated Adwa, April '73 (1873).
Miracles of the Blessed Virgin mary; Hymns etc.Hymns and prayers. Headings, proper names, and many catchwords in red throughout.
Magical ScrollOwner: Beratu (a woman) Full of magical words and drawings
AmuletContents: Prayers against sickness, for the owner Amata Gabr'el. Various words and sentences are in Amharic, and there are many magical words. Some of the headings, names, and some other words are in red. A crude design of five faces in quincunx pattern occurs three times.
AmuletMagical prayers and incantations, for the owner Bimeer Yohannes, whose name is written over that of the previous owner's erased name. There are many Amharic and magical words. Five pictures of demons in red, yellow, and black
AmuletContents: Prayers against devils and sickness, for the owner Walatta Sellase. Some of the headings, owner's name, and some other words are in red. At the top is a picture of two saints; lower down an angel, and lower still a saint, all very crudely drawn.
LJefafa S' edekA Lefafa S'adak', similar to Or. 587 (but not in the usual strip-form equal to the length of the corpse). Ten prayers. Pages 1-20 numbered in Abyssinian numerals